Event // "Can't Stop, Won't F/Stop" DMV Hip Hop/Culture Photography Exhibit
6:47 AM
Barbie Bibiana,
Candice Nicole PR,
chapi d photography,
Gaby Brutus,
I Got It For Free,
Inner Loop Records,
Lady Glock,
Q Ledbetter,
Seannie Cameras,
Studio 43
Event: "Can't Stop, Won't F/Stop"
When: 9.12.09; 5 to 10pm
Where: Dahlak Resturant (1771 U St NW, WDC)
Cost: Free
What: "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" is a hip hop/street culture photography exhibit. Inner Loop and Chapi D team up to bring some of the best up and coming "DMV lens warriors" together in one location to preview their work. On display will be DC's hip hop artists, producers, DJ's, etc. in all of their natural environments. The venue will have the pictures up for the entire month of September but the 12th will be the unveiling and event.
Photographers: Overok, Chapi D, RAtheMC, Lady Glock, Seannie Cameras, Q Ledbetter, Barbie Bibiana, and Gaby Brutus.
Sponsors: I Got It For Free, Clockwise Clothing, Studio 43, Inner Loop Records, Fusicology, and Candice Nicole PR.
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