Event // King of the Beltway Producer Battle
8:08 AM
Elite DC Magazine,
for the dmv only,
green hitz promotions,
Inner Loop Records,
jammin java,
Loud Records,
Remix Magazine,
strong arm entertainment
King of the Beltway Producer Battle
01.16.09 | Jammin Java (227 Maple Ave; Vienna, VA)
Prizes Include:
$300 (Winner)
$100 (Runner Up)
A feature and interview on www.loud.com
An email blast to 10,000+ DJ's from www.greenhitz.com
3 Free web seminars from www.intheknowseminars.com
A feature and interview from www.elitedcmag.com
A feature and interview from www.forthedmvonly.com
A spot in the next Inner Loop Beatdown
An on air interview on Funkadelic Freestyles (WRGW Radio)
Plus much more!
Submission Information:
-$20 to the Pay Pal link below (If you don't have Pay Pal, then let us know and you can accommodate you)
-3 Tracks, a photo, and contact information to battle@innerlooprecords.com
Battle information:
-Only the first PAYING 32 producers will be selected
-All producers will be judged by the crowd and a panel of industry representatives
-Any further information or questions can be directed to battle@innerlooprecords.com
Remix Magazine
Loud Records
Green Hitz Promotions
In The Know Seminars
For The DMV Only
Elite DC Magazine
Funkadelic Freestyles
Inner Loop Records
Strong Arm Entertainment
BetaRaz Entertainment
-Only the first PAYING 32 producers will be selected
-All producers will be judged by the crowd and a panel of industry representatives
-Any further information or questions can be directed to battle@innerlooprecords.com
Remix Magazine
Loud Records
Green Hitz Promotions
In The Know Seminars
For The DMV Only
Elite DC Magazine
Funkadelic Freestyles
Inner Loop Records
Strong Arm Entertainment
BetaRaz Entertainment
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