J-SCRILLA on the DMV Awards
1:22 PM
inner loop dmv awards hip-hop awards brother maniac
Earlier today, on twitter (@ScrillaVentura) I went into a bit of a frenzy about the DMV Awards. Shortly after my little rant and light hearted jabs I spoke to a DMV Award panelist. We had a good conversation and I got some insight into what they're doing and I let that person know my thoughts. Let me say this…I agree that an award show for the area is cool and it’s a good way to get everyone in the area together at the end of the year to celebrate the area’s rising and established artists. But, I do not agree with certain tangibles that go into these particular awards. [Note: I made a similar rant last year on twitter and probably wrote a similar blog post. De Ja Vu BITCHES.]
First off, the nominees having to pay to get in is blasphemy. I understand that it costs a lot of money to throw the awards. But, as someone who has been in promotions for over 10 years I have to say that I don’t agree with this idea at all. The thought process is the same as paying to perform, which I’ve never been associated or agreed with. If you are going to use the DMV hip-hop scene as your platform to throw this award show then you have to allow these artists (who are a big part of the draw) in for free. Now, there’s roughly 30 categories and 7 artists nominated in each subsequent category , so that’s about 200 people getting in for free (some people will have multiple nominations) so at $25/ticket that’s $5000 that the door would lose. But, if those artists didn’t show up then you would make zero dollars. Look at it as it is. That $5000 hit is like booking Jadakiss for your club. You book Jadakiss to draw people to make $15,000. Same concept here. You are using the scene to advance your name and put money in your pockets. The responsible solution is to let all nominees in for free and make the money off of the door and sponsors. If you feel that the $5000 hit is going to be too damaging then get the appropriate sponsorship to cover the costs or just accept the hit. I’ve thrown many parties and events where I lost a lot of money building the party up the first few weeks/months, but if you keep making it better and better then more money and sponsors will roll in to support. [Note: I was nominated for Producer Of The Year last year and didn’t attend because they wanted to charge me.]
Secondly, certain people are being left off of the nominations that are very deserving. Example, Oddisee. He not only should be recognized with his group Diamond District as Album Of The Year, but also as Producer Of The Year. Team Demo, Judah, BKS, J-Buttah, myself and some others who had self-produced albums, national and local placements, etc. should be honorable mention. Oddisee will make many national and international lists for these aforementionaed categories but not the DMV? To quote DJ Quicksilva “WhereTheyDoThatAt!????”
Thirdly, if you are going to throw an awards show then labels like Topp Dogg, BeamUp, 368, Studio 43, Inner Loop, midiEast, Low Budget, Target Squad, etc should have some input considering those labels are foot deep in the scene. As I expressed to the phone caller from the committee, “How do you have 20 panelists that don’t mention Oddisee?” I mean really. Not to jock dude or dickride, but if his name isn’t mentioned then those panelists are suspect to me. That’s just one example. I don’t know who the nominees are but I know that he wasn’t nominated. If some of the above labels were asked for their input they surely would have made the case for Oddisee and I’m sure others. I just don’t think all of the panelists were worthy to deem who the best is.
To be fair the panelist told me that they didn't include some of these labels and others because they didn't want people screaming "favoritism" or anything. I see their side, but there has to be a happy medium. The people with their foot in the scene could help generate sponsorships (since they have relations,) generate buzz, appeal and add reinforcement to the awards.
Fourthly, I didn’t even know about the awards until today.
Finally, who am I? I’m just a dude with a beat machine and a computer. You don’t have to listen to me. I will support the awards so long as the nominees are able to get in for free. It’s only right in my eyes.
Please leave your comments and lets have a healthy debate about this.
J-SCRILLA for PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely speaking life here
J-Scrilla nominated for "most likely to poop in a public restroom".
maybe there should be separate categories for rap (radio/current trends) and hip-hop (traditionalist boom bap stuff), because if you're checking for DMV stuff that sounds go-go influenced or radio-ready (in *today's* radio market), you could *easily* miss out on what oddisee has to offer...ditto for if you cop music offline instead of online...it's not like you're going to see Oddisee performing at The Legend Nightclub any time soon...
It's still weird to see this persistent division in DMV hip-hop fifteen years running...U Street and East of the River/PG County...if you're rocking shows in one, you're probably not rocking shows in the other...
*Sounds like a vintage @djJAV rant..... I love it! *
A #DMV Awards show without mention of certain people is not only disrespectful, but furthers the deterioration of a musical movement in the positive direction for this entire area - and is basically altogether wrong .... Punto, y se acabo !
@i put on for my city
The divide is occurring in the people that are working hard to obtain national and international press and the people that just make music for DC. The style of music is not the problem, it's people want to take the music outside of performing at the Legend or selling a CD at a metro stop.
You are only as good as you strive to be. If you continue to go about something the same way you will always receive the same results.
My Name is FRAYZ from the Mighty Midieast Movement and I aprrove this message! (I agree with J SCRILLA) ALL THE WAY.....
Where can you see the list of nominees? I can already guess they've omitted the DeCipher radio strip again like they did last year. After they asked to come promote on our shows. FOH dawggie. Lol.
Who's running the commitee? Ray'Ill show you love if you get on my album' Benzino?
I say let's have a DMV awards when we have a DMV scene. A real one. Not just MD folks and a few DC folks they fuck with or VA folks that know blah and so forth..but a real scene where people from all sides of this city and it's suburbs and bordering states, all really get together and recognize each other. That's a real scene where we all say fuck everybody but us, as a collective, and really make a name for this area. this DMV unity scene bullshit is a blower. If you try and listen to every name you hear, from motherfuckers grinding local to other cats grinding global, if you put an ear to the street and not just a scene you will have a unified movement and a unified city.. I could speak on the disrespect that goes on but that'd be preaching to the choir. i don't know everybody but we all know somebody that has a foot in each scene and out of those we know some that have integrity and an opinion we value..that's how we learn of different sects in our "DMV". Fuck if you think you better than whoever and their sampled or keyboard beats/ their scarface or ny flow their skinny jeans fruit loop sneakers or baggy timb'd out look, fuck all that and get back to basics...real business. if you don't know what that is then, fuck outta here. No awards should make the nominee pay to be there. A panel should actually be made up of non-music (press/venues) and music professionals. it should be held at a decent venue, with sponsors and be rife with respect and integrity. just my $.02.
Yea kokayi good points made right there
rbi- if u, alizay, heat not in most supportive djs then... nvrmnd
yesshir, i mean the whole DeCipher strip does its part in general. But i already think its a fluke show so it dont matter too much.
i just like to see peoples' mentality change on what they perceive power to be based on when and how they support independent/ alternative movements.
good posts yall
@ i put on for my city-
oddisee doesnt need to rock legends..he was rockin open mics in 03-04 now he gets paid to tour for 3 months at a time...ya dig?
they charged the artist...thats pretty dumb and to not mention Oddisee is dumb too...i never even knew there was a DMV award
good article .. makes sense!! business ethics!!
Great article. You made a lot of valid pts. They need to think long-term and more strategically to guarantee longevity
you spoke from the heart and the a sound understanding of the business!
everyone wants to make a profit, but sometimes you have to take a L! do the shit for free, then people will wanna pay!
i'd add to your points that the artists will bring in an entourage and if you charge the entourage, your costs are covered
Amen bro, amen....
It's funny that people are complaining and the final list of nominees isn't even out yet!!!
The bottom line is that with any awards show it's impossible to please everyone. Bro. Maniac is reaching out to a lot of different artists to get input for this year's awards. In spite of his efforts, a few deserving people will still be left off the final list.
I guess it's a good thing to have too many talented artists. If you say we're going to select 7 people for the "Producer of the Year" category, there's going to be a another dude who can produce an incredible resume but was left off.
i understand all that but i know for a fact he aint reach out to us and some others i mentioned...and weve been very involved in the scene...i commend maniac for his effort. i really do. but its still done incorrectly. the only way this area gonna get positive looks is if we put out ground breaking shit and professional organized events...this awards show so far...reminds me of a mixtape recorded in somebodys parents basement with a mkinkos camera and a handycam- imovie edited video
thats not my scene. and i am not startin a war. i just am speaking my mind. i encourage everyone to speak their mind and debate
Until the Artists can get in for FREE...then I won't be there. Allow artists to get in free and then their fans will be more happy to attend and pay to support their faves. The artists teams will even pay. No way should the NOMINEES have to pay to get in.
And this list is suspect. Some of it anyway.
*Drops Mic*
Yea I made the post a few days ago...def a lot of suspect shit on that list...I kno my 2 videos and lala by xo and duh and jetsetter by tabi and looky looky by dc don juan shoulda been on there
I'm just curious - now that most people have had time to digest the final nominee list - what their opinions are.
@ supersid
i dont think the list is an actual guage of whats really goin on in the area