Review // DJ Bones personal review of Culture of Honor
1:41 PM
j scrilla DMV inner loop dj bones culture of honor reviews
Just wanna say when I got this this morning and opened it up it made every second I worked on this project worth it. Thanks DJ Bones
Scrill –
Finally got through the whole CofH album and wanted to give you more than the normal “Shit was dope man.” First off let me say I had been looking forward to the project since I heard about it months ago. Second off let me say it lived up to the hype and my expectations. The mixes were crisp, production was on point and I thought the MCs did themselves and the beats justice. Perfect type of MCs for your style of beats. Often times I think MCs (and producers) are guilty of trying to ride a type of beat that they have no business being on in the first place. Too be honest with you, out of the 25+ MCs there was only 1 or maybe 2 that I wasn’t feeling. As for the beats, honest opinion, I liked all but one. As for the project and product itself I thought it was laid out nicely, from packaging to sound quality. Too many people are so concerned with having their music thump as loud as possible that they end up compressing the shit out of everything which makes it sound suffocated (I myself am guilty of this too but am trying to get better). I thought your joint sounded clean and the mixes allowed the different parts of the tracks to shine in their own right – highs, lows, instruments, percussion, etc. The cuts on the hooks weren’t mind blowing, a la Revolution, but were clean and well thought out, a la Premier (my favorite producer and hook DJ of all time). The Intro was perfect as far as Intros go - set the stage and had me wanting more. Too be honest by song 6 or so, I was thinking “Ok, I’ve heard the underground 4 and half minute posse cut banger – let me hear something different” and then BAM! The second half of the CD did just that. I would say the majority of my favorite joints were during the span of song 8 – 14. Speaking of favorites, to single some out:
#2 – great segue after the intro – LOVED this beat.
#3 - I thought Energy and Power was a dope conceptual song.
#4 – always liked this song, hook is perfect. Is the beat sample free? Cant wait to see the video.
#10 – the use of the voices on the track were out of this world.
#11 – probably my favorite posse joint on the album..
#13 – beat = outRAGEous! Probably the most radio friendly on the album in my opinion. Never been a huge fan of Cassidy though. Which is wild b/c even though he’s been locked up, he just never sounds believable to me.
#14 – unreal. Just wrote XO to tell him this is my favorite track on the album. I told him it was the perfect “Perfect marriage between producer and MC on that joint and perfect last track to an already dope album.
Yeah man, just wanted to drop you a line and let you know I love the CD man, even though I had to pay for it! Well worth the money. Definitely will be a CD I come back to again ad again vs. my normal one and done which is what I find my self doing to most albums these days. Good shit – reps the area well and has set the bar high for others in the game, including the Hollows. Cant wait for the Sketch & Scrilla album….Holler.
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